Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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28 May 2008

One month old

(This was written a week or so ago...)
One month old

Rachel was one month old on Friday. Where has the last month gone?

Rachel spends most of the time sleeping and eating. She normally sleeps from 7pm. We wake her up between 10 and 11pm for a feed. Then she will normally wake between 2 and 3am and then between 6am and 7am. Mornings depend on what we are doing. She has to fit into Andrew’s routine here. Most days she sleeps in the afternoon. She has a bath in the wash hand basin most afternoons. She likes to be awake between 5pm and 7pm and have lots of feeds. She likes to be at the table while the rest of us are having dinner. She obvious is aware that it is good for a family to eat togther. Mummy doesn’t mind as long she sleeps well in the evening.

She smiled at mummy last week.

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