Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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01 May 2008

Andrew the big brother

Andrew has now been a big brother for eight days. How is he going? We think he will make a good big brother.

He comes over with open arms to cuddle Rachel. He has cuddles on the couch with mummy and daddy alongside.

As you can see, her hair is no longer red and curly, but mummy lives in hope! Everyone at the hospital was saying that she was a lovely blond, but when we think of blond, Andrew's hair comes to mind.

Yesterday morning he went and got her cardigan and brought it to mummy when she was dressing Rachel. He obviously thought she need to wear one.

He is still working on saying Rachel it comes out more like "Rahwee"

The other night he gave her a kiss good night and she screwed up her face. I think it was full lips kiss.

He likes to sit on the couch with mummy reading books while she is feeding Rachel.

He is really good about the fact that mummy can't lift him at all at present. We have worked out how to get him in and out of the cot and up on to the change table.

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