Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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04 July 2007

He is very cute

Just a few cute Andrew anecdotes that I wanted share:

1)Andrew is presently playing with blocks in the lounge bopping along to the CD I just put on to amuse him while I did chores. It is quite funny to watch.

2) Yesterday at the park he managed to get the swing to move by waving his legs around. He hasn't quite it out totally but he can keep the swing moving.

3)He has also now learnt how to get on the couch and footrest. This opens up some more places to explore and mummy has had to find new places for things she doesn't want Andrew to get into.

4) Andrew has a facinitation with milk bottle lids. He likes to play with them and gets quite excited when he sees one. One thing he likes to do with them is try putting them onto other circular objects.

5)Twice yesterday when Stephen came into the room Andrew got excited and then came looking for me to let me know that Daddy was around. This was very cute particularly when Daddy came home from work.

Anyway I had better get back to the washing.

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