Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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01 September 2006

A typical week for Andrew

I said that I would post places Andrew goes last week, instead here is what Andrew has been up to in the last week. This is a reasonable example of a typical week for Andrew

Saturday: In the morning Andrew stayed home with Daddy while Mummy got her haircut

Sunday: We went to Church in the morning. Andrew often sleeps for part of the service and will have a feed as well. Afterwards we stayed for lunch. We often have lunch with our friend Paul.

Monday: Mummy does housework in the morning while Andrew sleeps, feeds and plays the morning away. In the afternoon we had PIN group. This stands for Plunket in the neighbourhood. It is a coffee group initially organised by Plunket.

Tuesday: We went to visit Ben and his mum Michelle. We walked down to the park, where some of us had our lunch. Andrew waited until we got back to their house before he woke up for his.

Wednesday: In the Morning Andrew and Mummy went shopping to buy Daddy's birthday present. We can't tell you what it is yet as Daddy gets to read this and we don't want him to find out before his birthday. We also went to the library to get some books. Then we went to SPACE. This is a playcentre run group for mums and babies. The mummys have a discussion time on a particular topic, this week eye sight. Then we have a coffee and chat time followed by some singing at the end. Then we came home and Andrew has a sleep.

Thursday: We went to Church for mum's group. In the afternoon we went for a walk with our friend Jenny. Andrew slept in his buggy most of the time.

Friday: Today we are planning to stay home. Mummy is doing house work and getting organised for our trip to Whakatane, we leave tomorrow. Andrew sat outside in his bouncer while mummy was hanging out the washing.

When we are not out and about Andrew likes to:
sleep - he sleeps most nights for 8-9 hours straight and he normally sleeps in the evenings. The disadvantage is that some days he doesn't see much of his daddy as he is back asleep before daddy wakes up and is in bed asleep when Daddy gets home from work. He also has sleeps during the day
Feed - 6-7 times a day
Play - with his playgym, rattles and his horse toy.
Sing - Mummy and Andrew like action songs e.g Heads, shoulder knees and toes, Eencey Weencey spider and five in the bed
Reading with mummy
Exercise his vocal cords, he can even laugh now.
Sitting in his highchair while mummy and daddy are eating or mummy is doing things in the kitchen

Sorry no photo today. :-(

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