Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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31 July 2006

Andrew's first trip to Blenheim

Andrew and Mummy went to Blenheim for three nights 23 July to 26 July. Andrew was very good (to quote his grandma). He slept well in the port-cot, car seat, buggy or in peoples arms depending on what we were up to.

This the plane we came home on being refueled and loaded with luggage for our trip home. The one we went over on was either this one or a similar plane. There was only seats for 18 passengers. Although there was 19 passengers on the way over as Andrew had to sit on mummy's knee.

The main reason for the trip was to see Andrew's great granddad (mummy's granddad Harris). Here is Andrew asleep in Great granddad's arms.

Four generations.

We also saw mummy's friend Jenny and went to visit Mrs Paynter. She can remember when mummy was Andrew's age.

Mummy was able to help grandma out as grandma has broken her wrist. Poor grandma. She could still give Andrew cuddles though.

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