Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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31 July 2006

Andrew's first trip to Blenheim

Andrew and Mummy went to Blenheim for three nights 23 July to 26 July. Andrew was very good (to quote his grandma). He slept well in the port-cot, car seat, buggy or in peoples arms depending on what we were up to.

This the plane we came home on being refueled and loaded with luggage for our trip home. The one we went over on was either this one or a similar plane. There was only seats for 18 passengers. Although there was 19 passengers on the way over as Andrew had to sit on mummy's knee.

The main reason for the trip was to see Andrew's great granddad (mummy's granddad Harris). Here is Andrew asleep in Great granddad's arms.

Four generations.

We also saw mummy's friend Jenny and went to visit Mrs Paynter. She can remember when mummy was Andrew's age.

Mummy was able to help grandma out as grandma has broken her wrist. Poor grandma. She could still give Andrew cuddles though.

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25 July 2006


Just a quick update to the Blog. A test to see if I can do this away from the assistance of Stephen.

Andrew and I are in Blenheim at present. We came over on Sunday night and go home tomorrow. The main reason for the trip was to visit my granddad, Andrew's great granddad. I will post some photos of the this when I get home and know how to put photos on.

Andrew enjoyed his first plane trip. He feed most of the 20 minute flight. And has slept well in the porta cot at Grandparents Harris's. Anyway will see if I can post this to Andrew's blog.

Andrew's mum

21 July 2006


Mummy is very pleased with Andrew today because he slept from 10.15pm to 5.45am. He then had a feed had has gone back to sleep. (It is now 8.15am). This is the first time he has done this other than the night have his 6 week injections.

Now we know why he feed more often yesterday afternoon. He was trying to get his tummy really full for the night. Posted by Picasa

19 July 2006

Two months old today

I am two months old today. Here is some interesting information about me at present.

My vital stats (as of yesterday, when Plunket came to visit):
Head circumference: 38.6 cms
Weigth: 4.74 kg( 10lb 7 oz) That is just a little bigger than mummy was when she was born.
Length: approx 60cms

My favourite activities:
Smiling at Mummy and Daddy (and any one else who I see)
Sleeping especially at night
Baths - I have to use the big bath as I was kicking the end of the baby bath and hitting my head on the other end
Playing with my playgym
Reading books with mummy
Having cuddles
Places I go regularly with Mummy and/or Daddy:
Homegroup (although they left me at home with grandma and granddad last week)
Mum's group at Church
Antenatal coffee
Shops and the library
Walking in my buggy (Mummy is sore today because we went down the hill and back up again yesterday).

Anyway better go.

Lots of love

Andrew (and His Mummy)

P.S Do you like my cool overalls mummy made? Posted by Picasa

Andrew's new toy

Mummy and Andrew decided to spend some of the money he was given on some toys. We bought this cool horse that when you pull on leg the other leg gets short as the one you pulled gets longer. See the close ups below. Mummy gave Andrew a choice of two and he smiled at this one, just as he is in the photo below.

See how the legs change length.

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16 July 2006

Bookworm in training

With a family tradition of bookworms, Andrew's mum is starting him young with books. Andrew now has his own Wellington Library card. The library, via Plunket gives every baby a pack with information on the library and a board book. Posted by Picasa

06 July 2006

Just for great-grandma

Great-grandma, Here is a photo of Andrew crying. He does cry sometimes but fortunately not too much or for too long.

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Sad farewells

The Sandes family left last night. It was great having them here. I am trying to work out when we can go to Christchurch in the next few months. Christmas is too far away. Here are some photos taken before they left.

The good news is that grandma and granddad Harris are coming today to stay. Posted by Picasa

02 July 2006

Father Time

Andrew took a break from studying nutritional topology, to discuss with his Father the art of keeping one's socks on. Posted by Picasa

The Harris Grandchildren

Ganddad and Grandma had the pleasure of having all three of their grandchildren on the couch with them this evening. Posted by Picasa

Aunty Margaret, Olivia and Tom Staying

Aunty Margaret FINALLY gets to have a hold of Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!

As do cousins Olivia

and Thomas.

Uncle Murray should be prod of how well behaved his family were without him there. Message for him: "Where are you going for dinner tomorrow night? Do you have any friends left?"

Quote from Thomas referring to Stephen: "You've slept all morning!" (it was only about 10am)
But our favorite quote from him was "I like my new cousin." Posted by Picasa