Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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06 June 2006

Feeding Frenzy

Yesterday afternoon, and evening, and night, Andrew was continually wanting to feed.

A growth spurt around now is pretty typical, and possibly slightly overdue.

Kathryn just wanted to sleep, it was a very tiring night.

The result however is that Andrew has now surpassed his birth weight! With breast-fed babies, this normally happens by two to three weeks, so on Thursday (day 13) when our midwife recommended supplementing his feeds with a few servings of formula for dessert after a feed, we instead shortened the duration between waking Andrew to feed him, in order to get an extra feed in during the day.

We did try spoon feeding him some formula on a few occasions, but we wasn't particularly interested in it.

Weight at birth: 3.24kg
Weight at day eighteen: 3.26kg

Well done Andrew and Kathryn!

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