Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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23 May 2006

Andrew's Blog Email Notifications

Hi, Stephen Denne here...

As I said in the first blog post, which you can see here:
Andrew has a "blog" to which Kathryn and I will post photos and news of what Andrew, and his parents, are up to. (crawling/rolling over/standing/falling over/etc.)

Please add comments, so that we know someone is finding it useful. You can just say "Andrew is such a beautiful baby!" if that is all that comes to mind :-)

I've changed the set up of Andrew's blog a little so that I post as myself now, rather than the account I initially set up. Kathryn will be able to post too.

I also set up email notification of new entries, and added close family. (Please let me know whether you got this or not... if so, I'll forward this email to lots and lots of people.)

I'm more than willing to add anyone else who want's to receive new blog entries by email rather than having to check the web site frequently, or to remove anyone who would rather check the blog once a week/month or not at all for a time.

In addition to the blog website at
there is a new syndication/publishing craze, which if you know about and know how to use, you can access at Andrew's blog at
Don't worry if you don't understand that though.


Swimming said...

Andrew is such a beautiful baby

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew. Uncle Dave here. I am sorry I have taken so long to say HI but I have been away from home and my computer. You sure are a good loking wee chap. I am sure you will be a Hurricane supporter-your Dad and I will make sure of it. Looking forward to meeting you.God bless
Love Uncle Dave