Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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15 June 2008

Rachel's Smile

Here are some photos of Rachel smiling which were taken this afternoon.

She's quite happy to smile at you when she's awake.

She knew I was taking photos, and so presumably gave these particularly good smiles knowing she was smiling at you all.
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Asleep on the Floor

It looks like Andrew had a good night's sleep...
We've no idea how much of it was on the floor. He was in his bed when we went to bed.
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07 June 2008


Andrew's finally figured out how to join the train track pieces together.

This is his most complex creation to date:

He does still get quite frustrated when he has difficulty.
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Andrew's Big Bed

The whole family spent the morning rearranging the two spare rooms so that Andrew could have a "Big Boy's Bed", and sometime soon Rachel could move from the basinet to the cot. Rachel's room is not quite finished (hence no photo).

We'd investigated the arrangement possibilities the day before, and come up with a workable plan, which so far seems great.

Here's Andrew having his first sleep in his bed. I'd earlier poked my nose in to see if he was asleep to find him sitting on his bed reading books. This time he's still surrounded by books, but has succumbed to sleep.

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