Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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27 April 2008

Sleeping Beauty - Lighter Photo

Here's the same photo again, but lightened up.

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26 April 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Rachel had a good look around at her new surroundings, and decided that it was a peaceful place to sleep.

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They're Home!

Andrew was very pleased to have Mummy home this afternoon.

Coming home took more energy out of Mummy than she had expected, so she was tired and sore, but she has had a good rest, and is pleased to be home.
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24 April 2008

New Family Photo

The family is larger now, so we all got together for a new family photo:

I tried to catch Rachel with her eyes open.
While she seems to open them quite a bit more than Andrew did,
they do not stay open for long.

Here's a closer shot.

We'll start a new blog someday soon, but will make sure that if you currently get these posts sent to your email, that that will continue.

08 April 2008

Bruises and Bumps

Andrew Advises Avoiding Landing On Your Face On Stairs

(It tends to leave bruises!)

(We're still quite happy though)

This pose is a repeat of one from a couple of years ago, though Andrew is now sitting where Daddy was standing.

(Charlie Bear is covering his eyes)

Andrew & Mummy had just read the baby in the bump a story about bears. Andrew seems aware that there's a baby inside Mummy, but has no idea how much his life is about to change.