Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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07 January 2008

With the Bonis family

Carolyn (Stephen's sister), her husband and kids Sophie and Ethan came up at new year to Stephen's parents place. Here are some photos are Andrew with the Bonis family.

The three kids on the piano

Playing in the sandpit

Andrew with Carolyn and Sophie

Andrew and his uncle Matt. Matt taught Andrew how to do high 5's. He now is practicing on the wall.

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Walking in the bush

While in Whakatane we went for a walk in White Pine bush. Andrew didn't want to walk much so was carried by Granny and Daddy.
Granny, Andrew and Daddy

Mummy, Granny and Andrew

Looking up

It is a long way up that tree.

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Whose's presents!!!

Andrew's Christmas present were enjoyed by more than just Andrew.

Here Daddy is playing with his blocks.

Mummy needs some help working out the switches as she keeps crashing the trains into each other. Andrew got the train set from Mummy and Daddy.

Granny did you buy this puzzle for Andrew or for you to play with.

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Christmas day 2007

Over Christmas/new year period we spent two weeks in Whakatane at Stephen's parent's place. I really enjoyed being able to put my feet up and let other people take responsibility for looking after Andrew.
Andrew was really in opening his presents. We spread the present opening over Christmas Eve and Christmas day so he could play with them after opening them. We also opened a few before we left Wellington.

Andrew got blocks from Grandma and Grandad Harris. He really enjoys playing with them.

Unwrapping his present from Uncle David. He likes the Concrete Truck , especially the noise it makes. Mummy likes that it isn't too loud.

Giving Granny her present.

Giving Grandpa his present
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Visit to Great Grandma Gillard

While we were in Whakatane we went to visit Stephen's grandma in Tauranga. It had been over a year since she had seen Andrew. He had definitely changed.

Four Generations

Is that me on the Granny's camera?

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