Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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29 October 2007

Blenheim Photos

Andrew, Uncle Murray and Daddy

Andrew with Aunty Margaret

Tom, Olivia and Andrew on Grandma and Granddad's swing.

Story time with Granddad.

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Our trip on the big boat.

Andrew and his Daddy and Mummy went to Blenheim for Labour Weekend. We took our car on the big boat (Ferry).

Here is the big boat backing into the berth. Once all the people and Vehicles are unloaded it will be our turn to go on.

Andrew and Mummy went to a walk while we were waiting. Andrew got to pat the dog in this picture. It was also going on the big boat. It had a special spot in the car.

Here is a nice photo of Andrew and Mummy, with our black car in the background.

The reason for our trip was that St Ninians Church (the church Mummy went to when she was little) was having a 50th Jubilee celebration. The Sandes family came up from Christchurch in their car. More photos to be posted soon.

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12 October 2007

a very late 16 month update

I realise I have been lax in updating Andrew's blog in recent months. So here are some photos from the last few months and stories of what he has been doing.

The big achievement is that he is now walking. While he took his first steps at the beginning of August it wasn't until into September that he was walking more than a couple of steps at the time, and that walking was the preferred method of movement most of the time. We have decided that Andrew is a reasonably cautious kid. He still likes to hold Mummy's hand if the ground is uneven or sloped.

We have all had colds here. Andrew was copying Daddy thumping his chest when he coughed. Instead of thumping his chest, Andrew clapped. Andrew would also help Daddy out, joining in thumping Daddy on his chest.

We have been trying to teach Andrew some baby sign with limited success however in the last couple of days he has just started to use the sign for thank you. He repeats it several times. It is very cute.

Andrew had fallen over and was upset. Daddy and Mummy went to comfort him. We were asking him to touch where it hurt and he touched Daddy's chest

Andrew and his friend Aleeshia. Andrew and her play together most Monday mornings at either our house or Aleesha's house.

I managed to get a photo of Andrew putting a lid on to one of his stacking cups. We recently put the stacking cups away for week as Andrew was getting frustrated with them. He hasn't quite learnt that the big cup will not go inside the little one. Mummy has shown him that you put the little one inside the big one. He would get so frustrated that he would throw the cups away. Things have been better since we got them out again.

The other day had friends here for lunch. The three year old was dropping toys down the slide we had borrowed from the toy library. After Andrew woke up from his afternoon sleep he was dropping the same toys down the slide.

When Andrew first tried painting at playcentre he thought the purpose was to paint his face not the paper but he has now worked out that you put the paint brush on the paper and then you have a painting you can take home and stick on the fridge.

He is making lots of sounds and tries to copy things we say like counting to three but he isn't saying many words.

I am trying to teach Andrew to come to me when I ask him to or to go to his bedroom when it is time to change his nappy or go to bed. He does do it the majority of the time and when he doesn't come first time he does it with such a lovely smile on his face it is really hard not to laugh.

Granny and Grandpa Denne come to stay

Last week we had Granny and Grandpa Denne stay a couple of nights with us on the way home from the South Island. They were fortunate to be here on a rare fine day. Andrew took them (and Mummy and Daddy) to the park.

Daddy and Grandpa help Andrew to go down the curved slide.

A nice photo with Mummy and Daddy at the park

Granny reads Andrew a story.

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