Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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19 May 2007

Post-Party Pics

After everyone had left, Andrew and his Daddy played with the blocks he had been given.

Andrew left his Daddy to finish up the construction...

while he went and had some time by himself, playing with his shoe.
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First Birthday Party

Andrew's Mummy made a fantastic giraffe cake:

Andrew got more presents, and had heaps of fun playing with his (and his parents') friends.

Bevan gave Andrew some tips on how to improve his photography... here he is showing the effect of f-stop selection on depth of field. Andrew assured Bevan that he'd look it up on Wikipedia later.
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Pre-Party Pics and Pressies

Andrew made an early start to his birthday, which is just as well, as his parents had individually wrapped each component of this set of sandpit tools:

Then a courier delivered presents from Aunty Carolyn, Uncle Matt, Sophie and Ethan, which we opened (Thanks heaps!):

Today's mail also brought presents from Aunty Margaret, Uncle Murray, Olivia, Tom, and Uncle David:
We loved all the cards everyone sent, and Andrew accepted help with all the unwrapping.

The sun was shining, so Andrew got to try out the presents that belong in the sandpit (till he decided that on one's birthday, one is allowed to eat sand.)
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15 May 2007

Another present

Grandma and Grandad Harris and the Sandes family had gone in together to get Andrew a present. I wonder what is in this box.

It's a ride on toy.

Andrew and Daddy put it together.

The last step in the construction process - it needs a taste test.

Now Andrew gets to try it out.

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Opening Grandparents Denne present

I wonder what is under the paper?
Hurry up Daddy I want to play this

Andrew with his new bus. It plays the wheels on bus song. Which verse depends on whether you push the door, the driver etc.

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14 May 2007

First Birthday party number 1

While Grandparents Denne and Harris were in town we took the opportunity to have a birthday party for Andrew a week early. We are going to have another one on his birthday next weekend.
A stacking block tower birthday cake. Mummy thinks she didn't do too bad a job on this one.

Mummy blowing out the candles

Andrew enjoys a piece of cake for afternoon tea. Don't tell the dental nurse.

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Granny and Grandpa Denne Staying

This weekend we had have Granny and Grandpa Denne staying with us. Here are some photos from our time together.

Playing with Granny while Grandpa looks on

A nice family group shot

Grandma and Granny feeding Andrew chocolate brownie.

Andrew playing with Granny's handbag while his new toy dog (from Grandparents Denne) looks on. His dog goes woof and pants.

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Andrew's dedication

On Saturday 12 May 2007 we had Andrew's dedication at lifepoint Church. We had family and friends join us for this special occasion including both sets of grandparents. Grandad Harris read from Proverbs 3. Below are some photos taken at the time.

During the formal part of the dedication which was taken by Karen Crawshaw.

People enjoying afternoon tea.

Karen playing with Andrew

Andrew plays happily by himself

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03 May 2007


This is the rather late eleven month update. Andrew has started doing a lot of things this last few weeks.
# He now will wave goodbye to people or when he goes to bed. He is also clapping.
# He has been saying Dadada and nana (for banana). Tonight he managed to say banana. On sunday he was quite funny. He was chatting away on our way home from church when I said Mummum he replied dadada.
#He likes to chat away to himself while playing with his toys.
#As previously blogged he now can go all the way up the stairs. He doesn't get much opportunity to do this but when the stair gate is down and he realises this he takes the opportunity. Just this week he has worked out how to go backwards down stairs.
#Today we went for swim with his friends Stephen and Zachary and their mums.
Here are a few of mummy's favourite pictures from the last few days.
Look what we borrowed from the toy library. Andrew likes this little car. It rocks.

Andrew trying to work out how to get into the bathroom cupboard. He was removed from the bathroom and the door closed after this photo was taken.

Please mummy take the photo and then get me up.

Andrew very intent on drinking his drink.

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