Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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25 August 2006


Andrew gave his mummy a fright this morning. He was having some no clothes and nappy time in the sun. I put him on his tummy and then he manged to roll on to his back. I rolled him back over to his tummy and he rolled back to his back. I then grabbed the camera, changed it to video mode and put him on his tummy and pushed record. We have two 30 second videos of Andrew wriggling around but he didn't roll over again, so I put his nappy back on and the camera away. Posted by Picasa

22 August 2006

Three Months Old

Andrew is now three months old and three days old.

Below is a photo of his beautiful smile.

Vital Stats:
(As at last tuesday)
Weight 5.64kg
Head circumference: 40cm

This equates to being on the 25% line on the plunket graph.

Tomorrow I'll post about places we go and things Andrew does. Posted by Picasa

14 August 2006

Andrew's new friend

On Saturday Andrew, Daddy and Mummy went on a trip to Palmerston North for the day to visit their friends Rita, James and Dominic. Dominic is three weeks younger than Andrew.

This was the first time Andrew (and his mum and dad) had met Dominic. They seemed to like each other. Here is Andrew enjoying a laugh with his new friend.

Andrew was a good traveller. He slept all the way there and back. This was a good trial run for our long trip to Whakatane in a few weeks. Posted by Picasa

06 August 2006

Watching Rugby

Andrew was given the choice of reading books or watching rugby. As his team wasn't playing (it was Mum's team Tasman vs Auckland), he decided to go to sleep instead. Posted by Picasa

Smiling at Daddy

Here's Andrew's cute smile again. He's happy to be wearing a black and yellow top. Posted by Picasa