Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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31 May 2006

What is in the box?

Andrew got a box in the mail from the Sandes family that looked like it had a furry friend inside. We wondered if they had sent us their cat Oscar.

No, it was a bear Charlie Bear.

There was also a smocked gown and cardigan made by Aunty Margaret, a little crusaders bear, some chocolate raisins (for Andrew's parents) and a pressie from Christchurch friends.

Thanks Aunty Margaret, Uncle Murray, Olivia and Thomas. Posted by Picasa

Bassinet History

The bassinet was made by Kathryn's Granddad for her Mum (the first born), and used for that generation, but then put away in a corner of a garage for about fifty years. It wasn't used for Kathryn's generation, but was restored to service when Kathryn's elder sister Margaret was expecting Olivia (their first born). At that time the drape with the candlewicking was made by Kathryn's Mum.

When Margaret's family moved to Paraparaumu, they brought it with them, and later used it for Thomas too. When they returned to Christchurch, they left it hidden away at our place, in the expectation that we would be the next to make use of it.

We don't know if there is any meaning to the symbols used. It probably isn't a coded message, imparting a blessing of good sleep for whoever lies within, as Kathryn's Granddad was a Pressy minister at the time. It is probably just a design that he liked. Posted by Picasa

28 May 2006

Open Eyes

We finally managed to capture a photo of Andrew with his eyes open! Posted by Picasa

27 May 2006

Cameron And Madeline

The Arps family came for lunch today (which they supplied too - thanks!) and Cameron and Madeline got to hold Andrew. Posted by Picasa

White Flowers

These are from Stephen's Aunty Claire and Uncle Grant. The white flowers remind Kathryn of her wedding bouquet (shown below a few days old):

 Posted by Picasa

25 May 2006


Mmmmmmm sushi :-)

Kathryn's not had sushi for months!

That's Andrew in his car seat having just got home from the hospital, via Johnsonville Mall to pick up some lunch. We forgot to take a photo of him in the car for his first drive. We might remember to take one of him when he goes in our new car for the first time.

Amazingly, the plant in the background hasn't turned brown from lack of water yet!

(I'm showing Kathryn how to post updates to the blog) Posted by Picasa

Home At Last

Here is Andrew, over five days old now, sleeping in a bassinet that is over 62 years old, at home finally.

Kathryn's blood pressure was consistently good overnight, so we could come home to the chaotic mess I had created while no one else was around.

We eagerly look forward to having lots of visitors, but please either call first to check we're awake, or be prepared to be asked to come back later. Kathryn's planning to attempt feeding Andrew them putting him to sleep just after lunch, and having a rest herself then too, so 1pm to 3pm might not be the best time.

Also if you can't pop in, do telephone to chat to Kathryn... you might even get to hear Andrew in the background. Posted by Picasa

Home This Morning

I've had a call from a very happy Kathryn, saying that they will be allowed to come home this morning. :-)

24 May 2006

Cabin Fever

Sad news today - Kathryn can't come home yet.

The communication from the doctors/registrars leaves a lot to be desired.

Until this morning, we thought that the toxemia risk had passed, and Kathryn could go home when she was ready, so Kathryn wasn't very happy to learn that her blood pressure would have to be monitored more regularly, and more blood samples taken, as there were still concerns over her toxemia.

I had to go home to get more clothes for Kathryn and Andrew. While I was doing this, I tried to ring and get some more people to visit Kathryn. No friends had visited on Tuesday, and at that time, no one had visited yet on Wednesday either. For someone as communicative as Kathryn, this was hard going... She is getting absolutely bored and sick of looking at the same four walls.

When I got back, we left Andrew with a midwife, and went to the hospital cafe so I could have some dinner and Kathryn could take in some different views. On returning to the ward, we had some much appreciated visitors.

Andrew had his longest feed ever (35 minutes).

Hopefully tomorrow's blood test is taken really early, and the results come back really quickly, and the results are good, and Kathryn and Andrew can come home!

23 May 2006

Doting Dad

I've been at the hospital helping Kathryn and looking after Andrew every day since Thursday, returning home to do washing, eat (takeaways), inform people of what's been happening, and sleep.

Kathryn's probably coming home tomorrow (Wednesday). I've got two weeks off work, but I'm going to see if I can change the last three days off (next week) into six half days. This would suit us better as I'd only be away for about 5 hours, and would be around more for an additional three days. It will probably suit work better too, as they'd get me back sooner, and get me at my most wakeful/productive hours. Posted by Picasa

Room With A View

As you can see in these photos, today didn't offer much opportunity to put Andrew in the sunshine to assist his jaundice. Posted by Picasa

The Hospital Room

Kathryn and Andrew have been very fortunate to have had a room all to themselves, and a large room too. Friends of ours had a baby girl born just three days before Andrew, and till they left on Saturday there were no free single bedrooms, yet by Sunday night there was no one on the ward having to share a room, and there were empty rooms too. Posted by Picasa

Sleepy Andrew

Andrew seems to like to sleep, and sleep, and sleep, and then feed. He is still getting the hang of attaching, and gets quite frustrated. He is a little jaundiced, but that should come right with sunshine & feeding.

On the rare occasion when he isn't either asleep or feeding, he seems to open one eye to see what is going on, so I fear he may be another Canterbury supporter like his Mum. He also wasn't too concerned with arriving till after the Hurricanes had won, but made sure he was out to hear the news of the Crusader's semi final.

The baby doctor has checked him out, including his eyes, and said everything is ok, and he does open both eyes once he is fully awake, so perhaps he was waiting till after Friday night's Hurricanes game because he didn't want to interrupt his favourite team. Posted by Picasa

Andrew's Blog Email Notifications

Hi, Stephen Denne here...

As I said in the first blog post, which you can see here:
Andrew has a "blog" to which Kathryn and I will post photos and news of what Andrew, and his parents, are up to. (crawling/rolling over/standing/falling over/etc.)

Please add comments, so that we know someone is finding it useful. You can just say "Andrew is such a beautiful baby!" if that is all that comes to mind :-)

I've changed the set up of Andrew's blog a little so that I post as myself now, rather than the account I initially set up. Kathryn will be able to post too.

I also set up email notification of new entries, and added close family. (Please let me know whether you got this or not... if so, I'll forward this email to lots and lots of people.)

I'm more than willing to add anyone else who want's to receive new blog entries by email rather than having to check the web site frequently, or to remove anyone who would rather check the blog once a week/month or not at all for a time.

In addition to the blog website at
there is a new syndication/publishing craze, which if you know about and know how to use, you can access at Andrew's blog at
Don't worry if you don't understand that though.

Perky Mum

Mum has been feeling really good today. The physio visited, and taught her lots of techniques for doing things. She changed Andrew's nappy, and put him down to sleep, and got him up too. She will probably sleep better knowing she will be able to attend to Andrew herself, instead of having to call for a midwife and wait - while thinking that his crying is waking everyone else up. Posted by Picasa

22 May 2006

Goodbye Grandparents

Granddad and Grandma (Alan and Katrina) had to say goodbye to Andrew today. They travel home in the morning. Posted by Picasa

First 39 Weeks

Mum (and Andrew) in Sydney Mum (and Andrew) in New Plymouth Mum (and Andrew) in Pukeiti Mum (and Andrew) and Dad the night before the induction.
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21 May 2006

Wounded in action

This photo shows both the quite long, fine, white hair that Andrew has, along with four cuts where he had blood samples taken just before he was born.

Andrew also has a little blib on his head where the electronic heart rate monitor wire was attached for a few hours on Friday.

The tape on his cheek in the earlier photo is holding together a very minor scalpel slice. Posted by Picasa

First Bath

Andrew had his first bath today, it was a 'demo' bath, given by the afternoon shift midwife. Posted by Picasa

Being Held

Andrew likes being held by Mum (and by Dad)
and by his Grandparents
Here Mum is rubbing Andrew's back.
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