Date of Birth: 19th May 2006, 11:08 pm NZST
Weight at Birth: 3.24kg, 7 lb 2 oz
Parents: Stephen and Kathryn

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05 December 2006

Six and a half month update

This was meant to be the Andrew's six month update but he is now 6 1/2 months. Last week when he was weighed at Plunket he was 7.5kgs.

Here is a nice photo with Mummy and Daddy.

Andrew can now sit by himself. Although we make sure he has something behind him as he when he has had enough he will just fall down. He can also roll from his tummy to back and from his back to his tummy. However he hasn't learn that when he rolls on to his tummy he can roll back on to his back. He just cries until Mummy or Daddy comes and helps him out.

Andrew is now eating two meals of solid food as well as six milk feeds. He has solid food after his milk at lunch and dinner. Andrew loves solid food, although it is really mushy he still has no teeth. He has tried pear, apple, potato, kumara, banana, chicken, beans, avocado and broccoli.

He has at least two sleeps during the day of at least 1 1/2 hours. Most days he will have another sleep. He normally goes to down between 6-7 pm and will mostly sleep until I wake him before another feed before I go to bed. He sleeps all night. Posted by Picasa

13 November 2006


After nearly six months of watching mummy and daddy eat, and even mummy feed Aleshia Young the other day, yesterday Andrew finally got to eat something other than mummy's milk.

Here he is trying his first taste of pear. Most of it went in. We think he enjoyed it. He will get some more later today.
Yesterday was a day for first as it was also the first time he went in the car in the big carseat and the first time he went to straight to sleep without complaining in the porta cot. This meant mummy and daddy could enjoy a lovely evening with the Davies. Posted by Picasa

01 November 2006

Grandad and Andrew

Andrew and Grandad had lots of fun together.

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Andrew's trip to Blenheim

Mummy and Andrew have just come back from Blenheim. We went to lend Grandma and Granddad Harris a hand as Grandma has had an operation on her knee.

Here is Andrew on his first ferry trip. He was a good sailor.

Grandma and Grandad have different toys to play with.

Andrew and Grandma, who is making good recovery from her surgery. She could get Andrew off the floor.

We are pleased to be home now as we both missed Daddy/Stephen. Posted by Picasa

Andrew and his tongue

Here is a photo for Andrew when he was in his tongue poking out phase a few weeks ago.

Thanks Grandad Harris for the photo. Posted by Picasa

23 October 2006


Andrew likes smiling at people, and holding hands with other babies. Here he is practising. Posted by Picasa



Andrew had a special visit from Mischief the Clown yesterday:

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19 October 2006

Five Months Old Today

Andrew is five months old today. So I thought I had better post an update.

The photo below is his happy face this afternoon.

His vital statistics as at his five month plunket check last Tuesday
Height: 64.4cm
Weight: 6.82kg
This puts him on the 50% percentile line for height and just below for weight.

Here is another photo taken last week of Andrew's happy face.

We have had a busy month.

Grandma and Grandad Harris came to stay for Great Aunty Mary's wedding. It was then that Andrew started to poke his tongue out when he smiled. He stopped after a week as he couldn't talk with his tongue poking out.

Andrew also got to meet his Great Uncle Alex, Great Uncle Les and Great Aunty Lyn and mummy's cousin Tim as they were all here for the wedding.

Then Mummy's cousin Alexia died. The extended family got together for this incredibly sad event. Grandma and Grandad came back and Aunty Margaret and Uncle David came up for the funeral.

This was the first time Uncle David and Andrew got to meet each other. Here they are deep in discussion. Uncle David is back staying with us at the moment.

Mummy got together with her old school friends Joanne, Nicola, Jenny and Bernie. Andrew got to tag along for part of the time. Andrew stayed home with Daddy when they went out for dinner.

We have also flown up to the Bay of Plenty via Auckland for Daddy's cousin April's wedding. Daddy posted some photos on this the other day.

That accounts for every weekend this month. During the week we still go to SPACE, antenatal coffee group, church mum's group, church, the library, walking etc...

When we aren't traveling around, Andrew is still a reasonable good sleeper during the day and mostly sleeps all night. He likes to lie on the floor and wriggle and squirm while laughing, giggling and gurgling.

He has become uncertain about his bath and sometime likes to see if he can deafen mummy with his screaming. Posted by Picasa

15 October 2006


When Andrew gets old enough to help with the firewood, he'll soon find some new friends to play with...
This is a male tree weta. Posted by Picasa

April and Donovan's Wedding

Stephen's cousin April married on Saturday in Tauranga. It was the first time Andrew had been at a wedding so he didn't want to sleep in case he missed something, but he was very well behaved.

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19 September 2006

Andrew meets his great grandma

While we were in Whakatane we to Tauranga so Andrew could meet his Great Grandma Gillard, Stephen's mum's mum. This is Andrew's remaining great-grandma. Here are some photos of Andrew and his great-grandma. They are the ones I like.

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Andrew's trip to Whakatane part two

Here are some photos of Andrew with his grandpa

and Granny
And daddy and mummy
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Andrew's trip to Whakatane part one

Andrew and his daddy and mummy went to Whakatane to visit granny and grandpa Denne from 2 September to 9 September. We had a great time.

Here is Andrew practicing his standing with Daddy.
Andrew slept really well in the porta cot after the first day. Andrew also got to meet Tara the dog. This was Andrew's first experience of Animals.

Tara was very good at not licking Andrew (and smiling for the camera)

But she did get close enough to have a good sniff of Andrew
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Four months old today

Andrew is four months old today. So we thought we had better take some pictures.

We can't tell you his vital statistics as he hasn't been measured this month.

Here he is lying on his tummy
And playing with his toy. If he is the mood he does pick up toys to play with.

He is also getting a lot more vocal, if only we could understand it all. He likes to laugh and is ticklish so giggles lots when he is being undressed.

Andrew and I have been getting out with friends and enjoying the lovely spring days we have been having laterly. Today is not one of them. On Saturday when Stephen was at church mens camp Andrew and I went to the zoo and yesterday we went to the gardens to see the tulips. Andrew had his first swing, sorry I had to hold on to Andrew so there is no photo of this.

Today it was nice as Daddy came home and had lunch with us.

Andrew seems to enjoy his cot and sleeps all night most nights. He also sleeps in the evenings which has meant mum and dad have time to themselves.

Anyway I think he needs to go to bed so I had better publish this and put him into his bed. Posted by Picasa

13 September 2006

Jolly Jumper

Andrew has found a new toy that he enjoys, the jolly jumper. Here he is having a bounce in the doorway and it is easier on mummy's arms.  Posted by Picasa

11 September 2006

Andrew's new cot

Andrew is now sleeping in his new cot in his own room.

Stephen and I put the cot together yesterday afternoon and Andrew had his first sleep in it yesterday evening. He didn't sleep all night last night but hopefully tonight he might go back to sleeping 8-9 hours at night. We thought that as his routine was disrupted with being away that it was a good time to move him.

Below is a slightly blurry photo of Andrew asleep this morning. He was in the middle of a sleep that lasted over two hours.

We are still trying to organise the rest of his room.
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